Feb 23, 2008

Moving away from GTD?

I read a lot of stuff online, like just about everyone that is interested in GTD. The blogosphere, the web forums, the mailing lists, etc., etc. One trend that I have noticed is that GTD may be losing some popularity with folks - almost like it has "jumped the shark".

Specifically, it seems that people are moving off of GTD. They've found something else - often "Do it Tomorrow", which I have not read. And I find it funny. I've seen a lot of posts in various spots where people who claim to have ADD (jokingly and otherwise) have found GTD to be the saviour. Now they are moving on. Hmm...

What about you - are you moving on? Found something that helps you more? Let me know what you're thinking and doing now - I'd be curious how many dedicated folks are moving on, and whether part of it is the lack of structure that so many need leads to (you guessed it) endless farting around.

Index Cards - Results!

Well, after over 90 days of using both a Levenger Pocket Briefcase and some generic horizontal index cards on my desktop, I love them. I write on them, toss them, process them - they are a total success.

Highly recommended.