Apr 26, 2008

This new Blackberry is wicked cool.

I honestly cannot put this thing down. It is fantastic. The form factor, the keyboard, the trackball, the pure *functionality*, all of them make this magic.

I have found that David Allen's thought - of organizing by wanting to "play" with your gadget - is coming true in this case. I find my GTDing is way more effective with this Blackberry.

Part of it, I think, has to do with how clean the interface is instead of the jumble of icons that the old Blackberry 8700 was. Probably my fault, as after a while I stopped looking for new themes. But now it seems like this one was made just for me.

Highly recommended as an upgrade.

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Apr 24, 2008

And the winner is...

Not us in Canada's snowy climes, we're the losers. I was boasting a couple of weeks ago about how warm it was. Now, back to sub-freezing temps with over a foot of snow last weekend. Total dreck, and golf season pushed back another 10 days. At least.

I did resolve the Blackberry dilemma, and got an 8830 World Edition. Let me tell you, this thing ROCKS. Anyone that has an older model Blackberry with a trackwheel really owes it to themselves to upgrade. The little trackball is way more practical.

How so? It's more intuitive than the wheel - you will find you stop reaching for the wheel very quickly. No holding the ALT key to move left or right either. Which brings me to the greatest thing I've seen on a Blackberry - a theme. Of all things.

It's the "Today Plus" theme (available over the air at mobile.blackberry.com). This gives all the benefits of the "Today" theme and the "Zen" theme together. Full review here, but it makes the BB so extremely useful. I love this one more than the last, and I really did like the last.

So, since I have this new unit - does it help? It does. I'm doing a lot more GTD because I'm doing a lot more playing with my BB and with Nextaction! And since the device and the theme work together to save me time, it is not as hard entering a new next action on the Blackberry.

Both are highly recommended. This is truly a great unit.

Apr 12, 2008

New Blackberry dilemma - 88xx or 83xx Curve

My carrier called me yesterday - 18 months into my 3 year contract -
and offered to upgrade me gratis.

Now the dilemma. I can take my pick of devices - do I pick the 8330
Curve, or the 8830? I have trouble deciding.

Spring weather

Spring has finally hit my nothern clime. 18C today, and with a sick
child we haven't gone out. SWIMBO has been out all day. I will take
progeny #1 out later.

This week will test my ability to hold it together. Frankly, I'm being pulled in many directions. I'm going into my office tonight to try and make sense of it all and see if I can get the system back on track.