Aug 10, 2008

Getting unstuck!.

I have mentioned the I am re-reading GTD. I've finished the section that deals with mind maps, tc... The planning section. I like planning, but I have to admit that this section of the book makes my eyes glaze over. However, I do agree that once you have planned out/mapped out a big project and it is off your mind you feel really good.

I have determined that my slippage wan't as bad as I thoight, and I have only needed a nudge to get my system working again. Reading the book again has done this for me, as has making the decision to just work with some of the tools that I already have. I am certainly more relaxed thab I have been before, although I know I haven't done a total sweep yet. I just keep using my Blackberry and Next Action! 2.0 and it works!

One of the best things for me was getting rid of some contexts, including one called @Next Action. Talk about useless! More later!

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