May 30, 2007

Getting Things Done - without a Weekly Review

Nope, this is not something I'm going to recommend. It's just that this week, all I have done is put out fires. I need a month of Sundays and I will feel caught up, but I figure with the next few days I can put my head above water. Perhaps.

How do others out there manage when they let their weeks get away from them?


Matthew Cornell said...

Here are a few tips for making the weekly review as short as possible: 1) start from zero (i.e., do your processing and organizing before the review), and 2) don't dive into project plans - just review each project on your master list.

konasdad said...

Hi Matthew,

Thanks very much - I'm a fan of your blog.

My problem seems to be the constant stream of folks, the phone, the everything that I can't seem to turn of.

Thanks for the tips. Between that, and a restart with a major brain dump, I think I'll re-start pretty well. When I get around to it. ;->