Jun 30, 2007

Progress? What Progress?

I have made a concerted effort, I truly have. I have whittled down the list of things I need to do. But I have still not managed to get a true weekly review done. It's getting a bit frustrating. I was with my boss this week, and used the old analogy of trying to "drink from a firehose" to describe how my job was going. Fortunately he understands.

I'm trying. Tuesday morning (Monday is the Canada Day holiday, and Canada is 140 years old tomorrow....) I intend to clear the decks and do a whole bunch of stuff to get towards a weekly review. I've been doing a dump, a collection, all sorts of various parts of GTD, but have not cohesively put it all together.

Eagle-eyes will note that I'm re-reading GTD. I've just started. I want to get back to where I was about a year ago, where I was doing my reviews regularly, had time to plan, etc., etc. That will take me about 3 weeks, I figure. Starting Tuesday. This time I promise.

Now raise your hand if you're in the same boat I am, so that I know I'm not the only one.

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