Aug 30, 2008

New group at Yahoo! Groups

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note about a new group at Yahoo! Groups dedicated to GTD on your Blackberry. I got tired of waiting for someone to start one, so I started it myself.

You can go to the GTD Blackberry Group to sign up. It has only been registered since the beginning of August, and we already have 50 members and are growing.

Your input and creativity will be most welcomed! See you there!

Aug 10, 2008

Getting unstuck!.

I have mentioned the I am re-reading GTD. I've finished the section that deals with mind maps, tc... The planning section. I like planning, but I have to admit that this section of the book makes my eyes glaze over. However, I do agree that once you have planned out/mapped out a big project and it is off your mind you feel really good.

I have determined that my slippage wan't as bad as I thoight, and I have only needed a nudge to get my system working again. Reading the book again has done this for me, as has making the decision to just work with some of the tools that I already have. I am certainly more relaxed thab I have been before, although I know I haven't done a total sweep yet. I just keep using my Blackberry and Next Action! 2.0 and it works!

One of the best things for me was getting rid of some contexts, including one called @Next Action. Talk about useless! More later!

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Aug 6, 2008

The bandwagon actually stopped to let me on.

Sometime around when I switched to Blogger 2.0, I changed the subtitle of the blog to "A Struggling GTD user". This could not be closer to the truth.

I have been away from the system for some time. Again. Does this at all sound familiar?

I've made a discovery that I'm sure I have blogged before - it's very akin to the fact that the Weekly Review is not a RAM Dump. Ready? Here is the revelation:

Getting Things Done requires a lot of cranking of widgets to implement before you can feel comfortable doing a weekly review.

This week, I just started to crank through, catalogue, and move on stuff. I started re-reading GTD (again!!! - anyone else get stuck having to go through th emiddle of the book, wading through the planning section?) to see if I can get through it this time. This inspired me, and I am very happy to advise that I am cranking through stuff at an amazing rate.

Very very happy happy!

Aug 4, 2008

Splashshopper and GTD

I have been searching, ever since I got my first Blackberry 20 months ago, for a checklist program so that I could port my Palm Weekly Review checklist over to my Blackberry. Then I finally got smart.

I purchased Splashwallet from Splashdata, Inc. a while back, with Splashshopper included. This is, at the heart, a checklist program. I really don't know that I will ever use it as a shopping list, although I have (mostly to play) , and it is handy as all get out. But it is basically a big checklist manager.

Wait. That's what I was looking for! Below, my Splashshopper template. Give it a try, and enjoy!

GTD Weekly Review.vsh