Feb 5, 2006

Trying to achieve balance

It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted.

It has been fairly intense lately – not insane, but intense.  I’ve had to determine what my priorities are.  Maybe my priority should be shorter blog posts.  ;->

In any event, it’s been since the middle of last month since I’ve blogged.  I’m still buzzing out on doing weekly reviews (although I’m trying them on Monday mornings now), and still loving the fact that I am getting things done.  I am on top of my workload, have delegated major projects without micro-managing, and am also trying to organize an office move at the same time.  I still love the pace, but I’m try9ing to find enough balance where I can include blogging once or twice a week.

I’ve been trying hard to achieve a lot of balance.  I’ve cut down on the mindless reading that I’ve done online, and have focused on just a few sites that I scan every day or two.  I’ve cleaned up my page here, and it should do nicely for the next while.  I’ve really focused on my family, and creating a hard edge regarding my work and home balance.

This will actually be much easier once we move offices as well, as my commute will be much more sensible.  But until then, I will be busy planning, reviewing, working, and generally trying to get things done.  Pardon the pun!

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