Dec 19, 2005

Busy day

Today, SWMBO flew to the We(s)t Coast in order to visit with her Mom and Dad. I'm joining her in a few days, which will give me a little r&r - I haven't really had any time off since our youngest was born in July. I'm looking forward to it.

Today started by taking them to the airport, which in itself is always a bit frustrating with two little kids. We did it, but not without some needless stressing out on my part. Hopefully, SWMBO will forgive me . However, that was just the start to a fairly crazy day. Sent off the Christmas cards, went to the bank to get the cash for the staff Christmas bonuses, then off to a holiday lunch - just plain busy. But - and here is the important part - I whittle through my inbox today until it was clear. I dealt with my e-mail inbox today, until it was clear. And I left my desk clear before I walked out the door. It feels great to walk into a neat office every day, and I am already feeling more in control.

I told SWMBO that I was having a love affair with my label maker. She laughed, but gave me a look that said she thought that there might be more truth than fiction in the joke. Ah, let her figure it out. I am in love with it, but I'm not obsessive about it - much. Just don't ask to borrow it.

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