Dec 18, 2005

The word of the day is "Purge".

The word of the day is “PURGE”

So today, I have been very very productive on the purging and shredding front.  There was another guy in the office today, and he nicknamed me “Enron”.  I have filed files, created labels with my label maker, and shredded junk that I should never have kept in the first place.  It feels great.

My twinboxes (my e-mail inbox and my physical inbox) are both clear.  I am looking around deciding on what to do next.  Getting prepared to do some major work on some major things.  Getting some of my energy back by knowing where stuff is.  It feels outstanding.

I’ve mentioned before Stephanie Winston’s The Organized Executive, which has a similar purge to David Allen’s in Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, the difference being that Winston’s strategy on the purge is to do it in chunks.  Recover an area of desktop real estate, and then move on.  It seems to meld well with Allen’s system, even though he bemoans doing it in chunks as something to be done “only if you have to”.  I totally understand his logic and reasoning, but I’m trying to do it a slightly different way.

Speaking of different ways, GTD has leant itself to “hacks” of all kinds.  Merlin Mann over at 43 Folders has documented several of them, including how to implement it using a notebook, a bunch of 3x5 index cards and a binder clip, etc., etc.  The site is well worth spending a good piece of time on.

I’m getting things ready to take some work home on my major project, trying to get un-stuck.  Ugh.  I’m going to use the 10x2x5 hack, if I can, and I’ll hopefully get to the point where I’ve been able to get it unstuck and successfully sent off.

I’m now tidying things up, getting ready to leave the office and head home.  I’ve worked every day since December 5th, and SWMBO is rightfully frustrated.  The holidays are close at hand, so I will be around a lot then.  Rest and renewal, and maybe a drink or two - I’m looking forward to it.

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